Multico Exports Private Limited
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Suppliers: Selection and Approval
We at Multico believe that reliable and quality conscious suppliers are essential part of our operations and we always strive to audit, approve and select such suppliers for our range of products. The process of approval of new suppliers include the following steps:
Identification of Suppliers: Based upon secondary market data, information from market sources and the general history and standing of the company, we decide to approach the new suppliers. The suppliers have to fill in a basic questionnaire with preliminary information on the company. All relevant documents like WHO GMP, ISO, CE , etc are compiled.
Quality Audit: The key suppliers are then audited, using GMP/ISO guidelines, by our Quality Managers. All the observations are well documented and shared with suppliers. Such audit is carried out every year.
Order In Process Validations: We depute our quality personals at the suppliers’ factories during production and packing of our goods.
Major Activities related with Suppliers
  • Identifying quality manufacturers based on criterion of factory inspection, certifications of the facility and the economic standing of the company.
  • Tying up with the selected manufacturers for production of specific products based on their manufacturing strength.
  • Controlling the total production and packing by employing competent and qualified Personnel, who are on our company's payroll.
  • Designing and development of the total packing material on specific requirement of our clients.
  • Getting all products tested at an independent neutral testing laboratory to ascertain the qualitative aspect per product.
We prefer and select suppliers who at least have WHO GMP, ISO Certifications.
Product Complaints
Complaints related to products are handled as per the guidelines laid down by FDA. All complaints are filed and written records are maintained with Quality Control department.
Investigations are carried out to determine the cause possible for the quality problem encountered. Once analysed, our Quality Control team takes all the corrective actions to ensure minimum possibility of reoccurrence of same problem in future supplies.
In case of a product recall, our system ensures that all the batches are recalled and the respective centers are notified accordingly.